Friday, March 28, 2008

Brief informaton on Flood Insurance Program

Flooding can occur at just about any point in time. In addition to time, a flood can occur at just about any place in the United States. There are a large number of individuals who are educated on flooding and the damage that it can cause, but an even larger number are not. This has lead to some confusion when it comes to flooding and the damage that it may cause.

The individuals that are more educated on flooding and flood damage are likely to live in an area that is prone to flooding. These locations are often near rivers, streams, or the coast. With a large amount of rainfall, these areas could flood in a few days or even hours. What many individuals do not realize is that flooding can also occur away from large bodies of water.

Many individuals experience backyard flooding or flash floods. Homes in the path of these floods could suffer a large amount of damage. When it comes to flood damage, the repairs must be done correctly. If not repaired correctly, a flood damaged home could be forever ruined. Repairing a flood damaged home the right way does not always come cheap and flood insurance companies know this.

There was a point in time when a number of flood insurance providers where picky when it came to offering coverage plans. Individuals living along the coast or others bodies of water often found it difficult to obtain flood insurance. If they could obtain it, it was often difficult to afford. When this became a problem, a number of flood insurance programs were developed.

One of the most popular flood insurance programs is that of the National Flood Insurance Program. The National Flood Insurance Program is a flood insurance program that was designed to assist homeowner in obtaining flood insurance. The National Flood Insurance Program regulates the coverage plans being offered and the prices they are being sold at. This allows many homeowners to have flood insurance coverage on their homes.

The National Flood Insurance Program is the most well-know program, but there are some local governments that offer their own flood insurance programs. Many of these programs have adapted the policies of the National Flood Insurance Program. The goal of all flood insurance programs is to ensure that a homeowner is purchasing quality flood insurance coverage from a reputable agent.

There are a large number of agents that sell flood insurance coverage, but one of the most reputable and well-known is AmeriFlood. AmeriFlood offers flood insurance coverage that is backed by the National Flood Insurance Program and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In addition to offering quality insurance, the insurance is offered at a discounted price. Most customers receive a discount up to 12%.

Flood insurance coverage is important, no matter where you live. It could not only save your home, but your finances as well. Do not be left alone when you need help the most. Obtain flood insurance coverage that has earned the approval of the government.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Are You Prepared With Flood Insurance as hurricane season approaches

Hurricane season is just around the corner, which means greater potential for flooding and/or flood damage to your home. It doesn't matter where you live, flooding can occur almost anywhere. If you live along the coast or near a body of water, particularly, protection against and preparation for this type of disaster is necessary to ensure your finances are protected. Have you purchased flood insurance?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports that flooding is America's #1 natural disaster. From snow melts and flash flooding to tropical storms and dams that have reached capacity, the potential for flooding should always be considered, regardless of where your home is located.

With hurricane season less than a month away, its prime time to be considering flood insurance. Why should you purchase flood coverage? Well, the important fact to be aware of is that homeowner's insurance policies do not cover flood damage or ground water damage from heavy rain. So, even if you've purchased a significant amount of homeowner's insurance and your area experiences heavy flash flooding, damage to your dwelling will not be covered unless you have purchased flood insurance.

Aside from purchasing insurance…

There are a few things you can do to reduce your risk of flooding or experiencing flood damage. The best way to reduce the risk of your home truly being flooded would be to avoid living near a body of water, including rivers and streams. Living in a house on top of a mountain or large hill could also do the trick. If living up in the hills isn't for you or if you insist on living near water, however, flood insurance is your best protection.

What types of flood insurance are available?

Flood insurance is available through two different avenues - the sump pump failure/sewer backup endorsement and The National Flood Insurance Program.

The sump pump failure backup endorsement does not cover true flooding - it simply covers water seepage and runoff. While coverage will vary with each insurance company, keep in mind that this coverage only takes effect if you have a sump pump and only if it does not properly take care of the seeping water.

FEMA established the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in 1968. This program only has one requirement - that you live in a community that participates in the program. This coverage is available in two packages -Emergency program and the Regular program. The programs' distinctions are quite simple. The Emergency program is set up for houses in communities that have applied for, but have not yet been accepted into the NFIA. The Regular program is for homes that are in participating NFIA communities.

Neither the sump pump backup endorsement nor the NFIA completely cover the risk of flooding.

So what should you do?

If you're on the fence about purchasing flood insurance, consider your options and your flood potential. If your home floods, can you afford to do without the flood insurance? While you cannot predict natural disasters, catastrophes or accidents, you can secure your finances for the future if you prepare for those events.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Home Owners Insurance New York - The Effect Of Your Location

1. You'll pay higher premium if you buy a home in a neighborhood that has just a volunteer fire service and not a full-time fire service. Understand that your rates will be further affected by your home's distance from a fire station, firefighting equipment or hydrant. Just know that the nearer your house is to firefighters and their equipment, the lower your quotes will be.

2. Is the area a trouble area? Getting homes in such neighborhoods costs you a lot in home insurance. Please, even where it appears a home is in a low crime neighborhood, still confirm to be doubly sure. It's wise to inquire from an insurance site before you eventually settle for a house. Some houses could be on the borders of crime districts and therefore result in adjoining streets being considered to belong to different districts with respect to crime rate.

3. Check how close the home is from the closest police station. This also will go a long way in lowering your homeowners insurance rate.

4. This is noteworthy in spite of the fact that it's not part of a homeowners policy. Houses in flood-prone areas are not considered properly insured without a flood insurance policy and this will mean close to $500 every year. Apart from if you're buying your house cash, be sure that a flood insurance will be demanded by every mortgagor if your home is in a flood-prone region. Making an adjustment in the region you buy a house will reduce what you spend on insuring your house.

The Way To Get The Best Home Owners Insurance (New York) Rates...

You'll save a lot if you can shop around and do proper comparison. The range of quotes received per request could be as wide as $1,000 for a given person. While this is a good thing, it's important that you don't get too excited yet.

It's not usually that easy if you're after the best price/value. The cheapest price may not represent you the best price/value. Despite the fact that each of the quotes offered will definitely give you the same main coverage; there may be several differences in the details of each insurer's coverage.

This makes it imperative that you find out if there aren't exclusions that won't serve your best interest. Don't forget to treat these no-obligation quotes just that way. Don't feel you have to pay unless you've got all your questions answered to your satisfaction. You will be saved from rude shocks later if you do this.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Why might a homeowner in a flood-prone area not have insurance

Flood insurance was a hot topic in the wake of Gulf Coast hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The lesson taken away from those disasters from a flood insurance perspective was generally the right one - The Congressionally-mandated flood insurance program does not work. Not nearly enough people buy flood insurance - ironically, far fewer buy mandatory flood insurance than would if the market were allowed to educate the public and convince them to buy it. To understand why so many homeowners even in hurricane prone areas lack flood insurance, it’s necessary to learn a little bit about how flood insurance works in America.

The who and what of federal flood insurance

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designates flood zones based on a number of factors, all boiling down to the chance property in the zone will suffer flood damage. Whether federally subsidized flood insurance will be required (under circumstances described below) depends on the flood zone the property is or will be located in.

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) makes federally subsidized flood insurance available, including where mandatory. (The mechanics of how insurance can be legally "mandated" are covered below.) Because NFIP is a federal government program – and so, someone else's money, unsullied by a profit motive -- flood coverage is incredibly cheap.

Flood zones and what they mean (for insurance purposes)

There are three basic types of flood zones designated by FEMA, subdivided into several more detailed zones.

Moderate to Low Risk areas are designated by flood zones B, C and X.

  • Generally a less than 1% chance of flooding per year.
  • Flood insurance is "available" to homeowners in these zones through the NFIP.

High Risk areas are designated by flood zones A, AE, A1-A30, AH, AO, AR and A99.

  • Generally a greater than 1% chance of flooding per year.
  • Which generally translates into a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage.
  • Mandatory flood insurance rules apply for mortgages in these zones.

High Risk - Coastal Areas designated by flood zones V, VE and V1-V30.

  • Generally the same chance of flooding as A (High Risk) zones.
  • Mandatory flood insurance rules apply for mortgages in these zones.

There is also a Zone D, "undetermined" risk area.

The gulf coast is almost entirely designated High Risk - Coastal Area.

"Mandatory" flood insurance

To understand what “mandatory” means when it comes to flood insurance, it’s useful to step back and consider what Congress is and is not authorized to do under the Constitution.

The federal government cannot constitutionally mandate that people buy flood insurance. It cannot enforce building codes that would restrict the kind of construction authorized in certain flood zones.

What it can do is create a program, like the NFIP, and make it available to communities that pass and enforce flood zone building codes. You may be more familiar with Congress’ threat to withhold highway funds to states that did not set a 55 and then 65 MPH speed limit. Same principle: What Congress cannot constitutionally require, it may accomplish by creating a benefit and threatening to withhold it.

So: Communities become eligible to participate in NFIP by taking steps to ensure new construction and existing structures mitigate flood risk.

NFIP was created in 1968 as a voluntary program. Because of low participation, Congress “mandated” (we’re still getting to what that means) flood insurance in certain areas (now flood zones) in 1973. Participation remained low.

In 1994, Congress enacted flood insurance reform, continuing the “mandatory” nature of flood insurance and establishing new, severe sanctions for nonparticipation, in the form of requiring that homeowners having received relief purchase flood insurance to be eligible for similar help in the future.

You could stop reading here and know a lot about what’s wrong with flood insurance: Congress said that it would only take care of uninsured homeowners’ flood damage once. What this means to most people smart enough to have bought a home is that the federal government will take care of uninsured homeowners’ flood damage once.

Who is subject to the “mandatory” flood insurance law?

Not the homeowner – rather, federally regulated lenders, GSEs and public agencies. These entities are required to ensure that any mortgage secured by structures in a flood hazard area has flood insurance.

If required, flood insurance will be required at the time a loan, including a refi, is made. Generally, notice is given to homeowners that they are required to purchase flood insurance at their expense. If they fail after notice, the lender may purchase it for them and add the cost to the monthly payment if the property is in a flood hazard area.

Life of loan monitoring is not required by law. (This becomes important in a way we will see.)

Lenders face civil money penalties -- no more than $100,000 aggregate per year -- if (and only if) they engage in a pattern or practice of shirking their flood insurance responsibilities.

Why might a homeowner in a flood-prone area not have insurance?

This is the heart of the matter. Considering the history, politics and division of responsibility for ensuring that flood-prone homeowners have insurance, here is why they don’t:

  1. People think homeowner's insurance covers floods. It doesn't.
  2. Their property may not technically be in a flood zone designated by FEMA as requiring insurance, so it's not mandatory.
  3. They worked through a non-federally regulated mortgage lender, that did not sell their loan to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, so it’s not mandatory.
  4. They have no mortgage -- it may be paid off or never have been encumbered (the 90-year-old home that's been in the family for three generations).
  5. Lenders may not comply. A company originating $50 billion in mortgage loans in a quarter might economically view avoiding a possible $100,000 penalty as not worth the cost of rigorous compliance.
  6. Homeowners get the insurance to get through closing, but then let coverage lapse, and they haven't been "caught" because there is no mandatory life of loan monitoring.
  7. Their community may not participate in the program.
  8. They assume the government will make them whole after losses without their buying insurance. Generally, they’re right.
  9. Flood insurance represents a failure of central planning, and an apt demonstration of it inferiority to the free market. To better ensure that homeowners in hurricane prone areas are insured in greater numbers, Congress should bite the bullet and withhold aid where flood insurance was cheaply available and a choice was made not to purchase it (continuing to help those who lack insurance for reasons beyond their control). It should continue to require flood insurance at loan closing where it has the power to do so, but open the market to private insurance companies and require life-of-loan monitoring if it’s serious about enforcing an insurance requirement. And penalties must be increased – the current one simply is not an economically feasible deterrent.

How to Get Low Cost Louisiana Homeowners Insurance?

As thousands of homeowners in New Orleans discovered after Katrina hit, you can lose everything you own if you don't have homeowners insurance. Here's how to get homeowners insurance in Louisiana at the best rate possible.

What Homeowners Insurance Covers

A homeowners insurance policy covers the following:

Your home - Homeowners insurance will pay to rebuild or repair your home after it's been damaged or destroyed by fire, hail, vandalism, plumbing leaks, or acts of nature.

Your possessions - Homeowners insurance will pay to replace any personal property (clothing, furniture, appliances, etc.) that's been stolen or damaged by fire, hail, vandalism, plumbing leaks, or acts of nature.

Additional Living Expenses - Homeowners insurance pays for your additional living expenses - hotel and restaurant bills - when your home is damaged or destroyed and you need to stay somewhere else while it's being repaired or rebuilt.

Personal Liability - Homeowners insurance pays your and your family's legal fees and court costs when you injure someone or damage their property.

What Homeowners Insurance Doesn't Cover

Many New Orleans residents discovered all too late that standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover damage to your home caused by floods. If you live in a flood zone you need to purchase flood insurance. For information on where to buy flood insurance, visit the National Flood Insurance Program website at:

Some policies also place a limit on the amount of coverage they will provide for expensive items like jewelry, computers, antiques, etc., so check your policy and purchase additional coverage if you need it.

Where to Get Low Cost Louisiana Homeowners Insurance

To get the best price on homeowners insurance you need to do some comparison shopping. The easiest way to compare rates is to go to an insurance comparison website where you can get rates from a number of insurance companies.

Friday, March 21, 2008

What Does a Homeowner's Policy Cover during Flood and Water Damage?

Water damage is tricky on a homeowners policy, because the answer is, "It depends." It depends on where the water comes from, and what it damages. It also depends on your company and your policy.

First, let's cover some of the types of water damage that are typically covered. Keep in mind that policies vary from company to company, and from state to state, so you should consult with your local agent to determine exactly what coverage you have and what adjustments you might need to make. These are some general cases about homeowners policies, but only your agent can tell you if they apply to your own homeowners policy.

Storm Damage. Typically, if a storm damages your house, the house itself is covered, and so are your possessions inside the home. For your possessions to be covered, however, most policies require that the possessions be inside the house, that the house itself be damaged, and that the damage to your possessions be a result of the damage to the house. In other words, if the storm breaks a window and the rain blows inside onto your computer, your computer would typically be covered. But if you leave the window open and it rains on the computer, you might not be covered.

  • There is one more very important thing to note regarding storm damage. There are special cases where a storm includes both rain and flood in the same storm. Rain is usually covered, but flood is not (see "Flood" below.) This is most visible in the case of a hurricane, where the storm blows ocean water onto the land ("storm surge"), but it can occur in any storm when heavy rains cause the rivers and creeks to overflow. Talk to your agent about "concurrent causation."

Burst Pipes, Fixtures, or Appliances, or Accidental Overflow. This might mean a pipe in the basement freezing during the winter, or the toilet overflowing, or the water heater bursting. Most homeowners policies cover water damage resulting from burst pipes, fixtures, or appliances, or accidental overflow. (Be sure to check with your agent, however, because a few of the more limited policies do not include this coverage.) There are a couple of exceptions to note:

  • If the damage was caused by an appliance that breaks, such as a water heater or dishwasher, your policy might not cover the appliance itself--that should be covered by its own warranty. But most homeowners policies will pay for damage to the home or to your possessions caused by the failed appliance.
  • If your home will be vacant, unoccupied, or under construction, you might have some additional limitations on your coverage. Take reasonable precautions against freezing by maintaining heat in the home, and shutting off the water supply and draining the water from the pipes and appliances. Also be sure to talk to your agent.

Next, there are some important cases where your homeowners policy might not cover water damage. You should discuss these carefully with your agent to see if they apply to your homeowners policy.

Flood. Homeowners policies do not cover floods. A flood is when normally dry land is temporarily covered by water, whether that water comes from storms and/or surface runoff, overflow of a lake or river, overflow of tidal waters onto the land, or mudflow. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administers the National Flood Insurance Program, which is responsible for mapping out the areas most prone to floods and providing a flood insurance program for homeowners. Talk to your insurance agent who handles your homeowners policy. In most cases, he or she can tell you the level of risk for your home based on the flood hazard maps, and can provide you with a flood insurance policy if you decide to protect yourself. (Remember that 30% of the flood claims filed each year are in moderate- to low-risk areas, areas where residents don't expect to have a flood.)

Water Backup. Most homeowners policies do not cover water that comes up from below the surface of the ground. If you have a basement, you have some maintenance to do to keep everything intact and sound.

  • Maintain the walls to keep intact and stable, watch for and repair and cracks or bowing, and keep them sealed to prevent seepage.
  • Ensure that you have good drainage around the house to prevent water from building up next to the basement walls. Keep the gutter downspouts draining out several feet away from the walls, and grade the ground so that surface water drains away from the house into the sewer or drainage ditch.
  • If you have a sump pump, sump pump well, or other system designed for the removal of subsurface water, keep it maintained and tested. Some companies offer optional coverage for sump pump backup or failure. Ask your agent if this is an option for your policy. Especially if your basement if finished, you could suffer a major loss if your sump pump fails and you don't have sufficient coverage.

Seepage. This means continuous or repeated seepage of water, steam, or fuel over a long period of time, such as water leaking around the shower that damages the flood underneath the shower over the course of several months. Most homeowners policies cover only "sudden and accidental" losses. If the pipes leading to the shower burst suddenly and the water damages the flood, the water damage would be covered. But if the faucet leaks a little bit each time you use the shower, and you ignore it so that the damage occurs over several months or years, this would be considered a failure to maintain it properly, and many homeowners policies would not cover it.

One more thing to keep in mind is that building codes change over time, and you might have to repair the damage differently to comply with updated building codes. Most homeowners policies, however, only reimburse you for what was damaged, not for the upgrade. If your thirty-year roof is damaged in a hailstorm, for example, but new codes require you to replace it with a forty-year roof, you might have to pay the difference unless you have Building codes cover.

Finally, keep in mind that it is your responsibility to take reasonable steps to prevent further damage after a loss has occurred. If your home has been damaged by a storm and water is coming in, cover the damaged area with a tarp, and move your possessions away from the area. If a pipe has burst, shut off the water in the pipe until it is repaired.

Homeowners policies have many different options, and they can be bewildering. Typically we find people fall into one of two groups. One group has their agent explain the policy and the limitations, so that they have the opportunity to close gaps like the one above--or to decide that certain things aren't worth the extra cost. The other group doesn't want to deal with it, so they prefer to wait until they have a claim and then find out whether it is covered.

Which group are you in? If you're in the first group, bring up these questions with your agent at your next Annual Protection Review. We have some general information about homeowners policies posted on our web site, but every company's homeowners policy is slightly different, and the coverages also vary by the state where you live, so please go over your policy with your agent.

Your home is one of your biggest assets, so you need to protect it properly. More importantly, it's your dream. If your policy can't be adjusted to get the coverage you need, consider shopping for a different company. And if your agent can't answer your questions, consider shopping for a different agent. This type of consultation is the agent's job. It's why you pay him! Don't you deserve to have your home protected?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cheap Homeowner's Insurance Online in Kentucky

As is the case in virtually every other state, insurance companies in Kentucky don't offer flood insurance to homeowners. Instead homeowners who are interested in this type of coverage can speak to their insurance agent about buying a flood insurance policy separately. This should really only be a consideration if the home is located in an area of the state where flooding poses a real risk.

If you are looking for a standard homeowner's insurance policy in Kentucky a great place to turn to is the Internet. There are many resources available that directly relate to this particular type of insurance. Not only will you be able to find quotes, but you'll also find valuable information pertaining to saving money on the insurance.

One of the most effective ways to get cheap homeowner's insurance online in Kentucky is by taking advantage of discounts. Discounts are available for every type of insurance and home and renter's insurance is no exception.

Some of the common discounts, that almost all companies offer, include those for deadbolt locks on exterior doors, smoke alarms, fire extinguishers and storm shutters. Some companies in Kentucky also offer a percentage reduction for homes that are located near fire hydrants or fire houses as these homes have less of a risk when it comes to fire damage.

If you are a senior or you work from home, consider yourself lucky. The majority of homeowner's insurance companies in Kentucky will offer a premium reduction for folks who are at home most of the time. If this is the case with you, be certain to make note of it when looking for quotes.

Once you do decide on a company, do a little background research on them to ensure that they have a solid reputation in the state. Although you do want to find a cheap insurance policy you also want to be certain that the company you choose will be there to back you up when you need them.

Deciding appropirate amount of Homeowners Insurance Coverage

When deciding on the appropriate amount of homeowner’s insurance coverage you must first determine the projected replacement cost of your home. Then you must choose the coverage amount that suits your needs best. You may want to choose a coverage amount that is comparable to the estimated replacement cost. You may want to consider the benefits of having more than enough coverage as opposed to “just enough” seeing as how it is almost impossible to predict the future and in these changing times what may have never happened in your neighborhood before could be the phenomenon that happens tomorrow.

Your homeowner’s insurance coverage policy will be your principal policy in regards to destruction caused to your home. This policy more often than not will provide for damage to your home due to fire, windstorms, hail and explosions as well as vandalism and theft. When your home becomes uninhabitable due to damage covered by your policy your homeowner’s insurance will also provide the necessary funds for you and your family to live elsewhere while your home is under construction or repair.

You may want to inquire with your insurance agent as to what losses are not covered by your homeowner’s insurance. Some states may grant separate state-sponsored catastrophe funds like the windpool program which covers damage caused by tropical storms, hurricanes, wind and hail. Because this coverage is provided by the state some homeowner’s policies may eliminate coverage and refer you to the windpool to obtain protection against wind-related damages. Therefore, when buying a home in high-risk hurricane states such as Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas you may want to consider purchasing windstorm insurance.

Another disaster that generally is not covered in most homeowner’s insurance policies is flood insurance. Flood insurance is normally available through the National Flood Insurance Program governed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This covers destruction caused due to high waters or flash floods. So basically if a flash flood causes water to penetrate your residence flood insurance as opposed to homeowner’s insurance will cover your loss. If you don’t know whether or not your home is located in a flood risk area you may want to inquire with your insurance agent and adjust your policy accordingly.

The burden of reviewing and updating a homeowner’s insurance policy lies on the homeowner. It is important to make sure you do this periodically to ensure that you maintain adequate coverage. Remain conscience of various improvements you make to your home whether you have recently remodeled or simply purchased new furniture or appliances. You must also remain cognizant of inflation and rises in property value. A home that was purchased for $32,000 in 1975 may be worth $150,000 in 2005. It is also wise to consider the year your home was built and the cost of building materials during that time. If your home was built in the 1970s does the building code of the new millennium allow for the same construction standards? Don’t get underpaid in the event of a loss because you underestimated the value of your home.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What is Forced Place Insurance?

Forced place insurance refers to insurance taken out by a bank or creditor on uninsured debtor’s behalf on a property placed as collateral. In case the property is damaged, funding is available to repair it. This type of insurance is most common with flood insurance; the flood insurance regulations of each agency provide notification procedures that should be followed. Forced place insurance can also be purchased for other hazards also.

• Forced place hazard/flood insurance is general liability insurance for residential and commercial properties and foreclosed properties. It can also cover vacant properties, mobile homes, town houses and condominiums.
• Forced place insurance is a proven hazard insurance program. It has been designed specifically for mortgage lenders and services.
• It provides insurance cover to protect the mortgage collateral against fire and such like property hazards. However, it is most common with flood insurance.

Avoiding Lawsuits:
• The power to force place should be included in the contract note when taking out the mortgage. This will save you a lot of trouble later and prevent lawsuits against lenders placing insurance. The powers and obligations should be spelt out clearly in the loan contract note at the outset.
• If the lender has force placed insurance, do not pass on the charge to the customer that is greater than the actual cost of the insurance. It amounts to retaining a commission, which is liable for litigation.
• If a lender force places hazard insurance, the policy and disclosure letter should be made known to state.
• Insurance procured by the lender for whatever reason and that is not reflected in lender’s record, is also a strong case for later litigation.
• There are laws regulating force placed insurance in Connecticut, New Mexico, Florida, New York, Hawaii, Tennessee, Maryland, Texas and Mississippi.

Insurance cover for fire handling for vacant and foreclosed properties is very expensive and can create servicing burden. Loans made on properties located in federally designated flood zones too prove to be expensive and cause difficulty to bank’s loan servicing department. The federal flood tracking regulations for these types of loans are now imposed on the lender, thus increasing the mortgage premium considerably.

Solution Offered by FSIA, Inc. The firm offers a Forced Placed Property/Liability/Flood program that claims to provide maximum protection with the least hassles. The program has some outstanding features that include:

• Instant binding authority for occupied and vacant properties, residential or commercial
• Competitive rates and no minimum premium or deposits
• Flexible monthly billing
• Flood zone determinations.
• Flood insurance quoting and placement programs.
• Flood insurance tracking.

Forced place insurance is essential for a bank or lender on an uninsured debtor’s behalf, to ensure that funding is available in the event of damage to the property. Ensure that the legal requirements are complied with to avoid litigation later.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Federal Flood Insurance Programs helps to lower Cost of Flood Insurance

Thousands, if not millions of homes, are damaged each year due to flooding. Flooding is an event that can not always be prevented. It is often hard to predict well in advance when a large amount of rainfall is going to cause flooding in a specific area. This has caused a large number of individuals to be unprepared when the weather does cause flooding in their area.

It is a known fact that flooding can occur at just about any point in time and in any location in the United States. While flooding can occur just about anywhere, there are some locations in the Untied States that are more prone to flooding than others. This means that a specific area may be likely to see flooding on a yearly basis. Individuals in these areas are often charged higher premiums for flood insurance.

High premiums are something that can be prevented, but homeowners cannot prevent them all on their own. That is why the National Flood Insurance Program was developed. The National Flood Insurance Program is a federal flood insurance program. The goal of this federal flood insurance program is to offer affordable flood insurance coverage to all homeowners.

The National Flood Insurance Program offers affordable flood insurance coverage that can be purchased directly through the federal flood insurance program or it can be purchased through a licensed agent. The National Flood Insurance Program works to get insurance affordable by monitoring the coverage plans and the amount of money they cost.

Another way that this federal flood insurance program works to help Americans is by improving cities and towns across the United States. By working with the National Flood Insurance Program a city or town could receive flood insurance reductions. These reductions are most often seen when a city or town agrees to make improvements to their area that will limit or restrict the amount of flooding that occurs. If these improvements are made and kept up-to-date, flood insurance reductions may be offered by the National Flood Insurance Program.

In addition to requesting that a city or town make flood improvements, the National Flood Insurance Program also works to save Americans money by allowing agents to sell their coverage plans. As previously mentioned, an agent must be licensed to offer flood insurance coverage from this federal flood insurance program. In many states, licensed agents are able to offer flood insurance for less. This is most commonly seen in the form of upfront rebates. AmeriFlood is one of the few agents that are offering this amazing discount that is 12% off the traditional cost.

If you are interested in receiving low-cost flood insurance premiums, then you should get working now. Whether you choose to get your community to take action or you start looking for a licensed flood insurance agent, you could be saving money on flood insurance in no time at all.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Where to go during problems with your flood zone insurance company?

Are you having problems with your flood zone insurance company? Life does not always go smoothly because you want it to, and like other things in life, having a problem with your flood zone insurance company is something you must expect.

First of all, you must remember that insurance companies do not work or stand alone. They belong to a group of or an organization and when you have complaints, they will settle with you based on the organization laws and regulations.

This means that when you have a complaint against your insurance provider or when things did not work out to your satisfaction, you can not just march in their office and demand satisfaction or punch the ear of the sales agent you dealt with when you bought your policy. Your complaints will not be ignored but certain steps will have to be followed before your complaint will reach an appropriate department.

You must remember that your insurance provider is a member of an organization and there is always an expert or appropriate person who will address your complaint. Your flood zone insurance company just needs to settle things in a systematic order because they have their reputation to protect. People entrust their money and their properties to insurance providers, hence the need for them to remain credible before their clients.

The first thing you must remember is when you choose your flood insurance company, make sure that it is a member of one or all insurance organizations. If they are not, then your mind should start working and asking questions. Insurance or trade organizations regulate rules for their member organizations.

In the UK, you could check if your flood insurance company is a member of any of the two main organizations. There is the Insurance Brokers Registration Council (IBRC) and the Association of British Insurers (ABI). Knowing which organization your insurance provider belongs to could easily guide you know where to go.

Insurance providers who belong to any or both of the two main organizations follow the code of conduct that is set down for them so if you have a real complaint, you can expect that your complaint will be handled by more senior members who are experts of the organization.

Then there is the new organization called the General Insurance Standards Council (GISC) which is slowly taking charge of the regulation of the insurance industry. When you have a complaint, you must file your complaint directly to your insurance provider in writing. When they answer and you are not satisfied, find out what the complaints procedure is and follow it. Your complaint could either fall into the ombudsman scheme or an arbitration scheme.

If the complaint goes to an arbitrator, you and your insurance provider have to commit to accept the arbitrator's decision but when it falls to the ombudsman, only your insurance provider has to commit to accept the decision. If you do not agree to the decision of an ombudsman, you can always go to court, that is if you are willing to pay high costs and be patient for the lengthy procedure.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Eight reasons to consider getting flood insurance

As a Houston, Texas Farmers insurance agent I frequently get questions about flood insurance. Here are eight reasons to consider getting flood insurance:

1) Your homeowner’s insurance policy does not cover flood damage. One of the main reasons people get homeowners insurance is for protection against a loss from fire. In Texas you are far more likely to have flood damage than fire damage. Flood insurance is valuable coverage for one of your most important assets.

2) Everyone lives in a flood zone. (According to the FEMA website.) In other words there is no such thing as a home that can not be flooded.

3) Even an inch or two of water can cause very costly damage to your property.

4) Federal disaster assistance is normally a loan that you must pay back with interest. This is not a good substitute for insurance.

5) It is easy to get flood insurance. You can get a quote and order a policy on the internet or by phone. This often takes less than 15 minutes.

6) In the event of a flood disaster it is far better to be one of the people with flood coverage!

7) With this insurance your family will have less to worry about when a big storm is in the news.

8) Flood insurance is generally inexpensive. Listed below is a chart for consumers that qualify for the preferred residential program:

Contents Only

$8,000 $61 per year

$20,000 $116 per year

$40,000 $146 per year

$60,000 $166 per year

$80,000 $181 per year

Home and Contents Combination


$20,000 $8,000 $112 per year

$50,000 $20,000 $180 per year

$100,000 $40,000 $233 per year

$150,000 $60,000 $264 per year

$200,000 $100,000 $317 per year

Not everyone will qualify for the preferred rates. If you would like to get flood coverage consult with a good insurance company and get details and a quote.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things to do when you make your flood insurance claims

Natural calamities like floods occur at the most unexpected times. This is something you or your insurance provider has no control of. Here is where the need to have your property insured come in. This is why you pay regular premiums and why you buy a flood insurance policy to cover your property in times when you need it.

First of all, make sure you have the emergency help lines of your insurance provider always in handy. These numbers will be able to give access to them in case of trouble. Keep this number in a safe and convenient place. Do not wait for something to happen before you realize that the emergency numbers are somewhere among your things floating in waist deep water inside your home.

When your property is damaged, do not just gape and look at the damage or wait until your insurance provider processes the claim for you. Do what you can to prevent the damage from getting any worse. This is why it is advisable that you know your flood insurance policy well, even before anything happens so you will be guided accordingly.

In case of an emergency and as soon as you are able to, advise your insurance company of your situation. Call your insurance provider and tell them what happened. You can ask for an insurance claim form, then fill out the necessary information called for and send it back with estimates for the cost of repair or replacement of your damaged properties.

In cases when you could not come up with immediate estimates, like for example when your property is damaged by a flood, you may forward your estimates as soon as you are able but you should return your insurance claim form right away and inform your insurance provider that your estimates will follow.

Three things may happen when your insurance provider receives your flood insurance claim form. Either they will simply pay your claim, or they might send a claims assessor to your property who will assess the damage and arrange with you towards settlement of your claims, or they may send an expert from their company who will give you advice about repairs and replacement of your damaged property.

Do not throw your damaged items away because you will need them as evidence when you make your flood insurance claim. No matter what state they are in, keep them with you until after your insurance provider makes assessments. Other evidence of your losses like receipts, warranties and other documents will also come in handy when you make your flood insurance claims - so be ready with them.

This is why when you buy an insurance policy, you should study the details and what areas are covered under it. Check what is covered under the policy for in your property, whether it is building structures, fixtures, or the contents of your home. Knowing your insurance policy will guide you to make your flood insurance claims from your insurance provider.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How to Find Cheap Flood Zone Insurance Rates

As new providers of flood zone insurance join the market every year, the rates are becoming competitive. To add to this, other retail outlets are already offering flood zone insurance, too and this is proving to be an advantage to the insurance policy holder.

As in any other product, the more providers or supply there is in the market, the higher the competition is there. This means that as a customer, you have a much better chance of finding an insurance policy without sacrificing the quality of service you get.

That is why it is always wise to shop around for the appropriate company to give you the best rates. You will find that if you make a comparison of the quotes and rates of each company, there is a difference in the cost of amounts for the same amount of cover of the same property and the same contents.

Shopping around before committing yourself to one company is an advantage for you. You may save hundreds of pounds each year because the more quotes you from more companies you get; the better your chances are of getting the best flood zone insurance rate.

If you go to one insurance company and apply for a policy, you have no idea if what they are giving you is the lowest and the best rate possible because you have nothing to compare them with. To do this, you can browse for all the providers in your area, get quotes and compare the rates in order to find out which is the most affordable.

You can search for insurance companies from the comfort of your homes or offices through the internet. You can find everything you would want to know by a few clicks on your computer, and you can fill in online forms to give them the information they require. This is also advantageous for you because when you apply for an insurance policy online, you can find and choose the cheapest rates without paying extra costs because you do not need to engage the services of a sales staff anymore.

Another option is for you to go to a general insurance broker and engage his services to find inexpensive flood insurance rates for you. There are some people who are paid by insurance companies to search the market and give you inexpensive quotes they can find for you. Some insurance brokers are on a commission basis so when they do the search for you, they will really give you the cheapest quotes they can find so you will buy your insurance policy from them.

This will leave you free from doing the actual work of searching for the appropriate flood zone insurance rates but in some instances you may have to pay for the services of the one who will do the searching for you.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How high risk flood zone effects insurance premium?

When your house is located in a flood region, you have to suffer all the consequences that come with it. Floods may come any time, and you have to be always be prepared for it. One hitch for living in a flood area is it will affect your flood zone insurance premium.

Insurance companies are becoming hesitant to give insurance policies to houses located on flood risk areas because it can not have escaped every one's attention that parts of the United Kingdom were severely devastated by floods in 2006 and 2007. This will affect insurance providers too because if everybody suddenly files for a flood insurance claim, either they will have to raise all the insurance premiums or they will close shop before the year ends.

With this, insurance providers are appealing to the government to focus their attention in increasing flood defenses especially in the areas worst hit by the recent events. Most of the standard home insurance policy providers in the UK very rarely include flood damage cover. This is why you have to ensure your homes and your house contents with an appropriate insurance policy.

If you are lucky your insurance provider may renew your policy but even then, do not be surprised if you will be asked to pay a much higher premium since you live in an area hit by the recent flooding. This is one of the disadvantages of living in a high risk area. Even if you want your home and properties covered by insurance, the providers will not be welcoming you with open arms.

Insurance firms have a business to run and if you pose as a high risk customer, you can not blame them and they are not obliged to renew your flood insurance policy even though you are an existing policy holder of their company.

If you have been a victim of the recent flooding in the UK, and have seen your hard-earned properties and possessions get destroyed before your eyes, calling insurance companies to get a cover policy may not be the wisest move. Your chance of getting one is very remote as the insurance companies are still suffering from the sting of the countless flood damage claims filed before their offices.

There is even the possibility that many of the existing insurance companies may remove flood insurance cover from their standard insurance policies unless the government will do something, like focus on this problem and increase its budget for flood defense. If this happens and the government will not make a move, those living in areas prone to flooding or those considered as high risk areas will suffer.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Claiming on flood insurance

The cost of flood insurance people pay nowadays is affected by the location where their house is located. Those people whose houses are located in higher-risk areas pay higher premiums and higher excess on flood-related claims as compared to those whose houses are in low-risk areas. Premiums on a house in a high-risk area may differ for example around 20 to 30 per cent than in low-risk areas.

In the United Kingdom, more than two million properties are located at flood risk areas. When you seek the services of a flood insurance provider, they have their own maps to determine if you live in a low-risk area. Although your insurance plan should pay for all flood damage, your insurance provider also expects you to take necessary precautions to protect your properties in case of a flood, too.

If you live in a flood plain, expect your premiums to be higher and an expensive burden. Some insurance providers may even refuse flood cover on people in high-risk areas cover. You can not expect insurance providers to give you a policy when your house is a on a flood path and you get hit by floods often. It will be suicide on their part, unless you will want to pay a high premium.

If the insurance providers think your house is in a high-risk area, they may even resort to getting a surveyor's report before giving you a policy. If they give a policy to whoever applies without considering the high-risk factor, they will have to increase the cost of premiums for everybody to meet the cost of insurance claims.

An estimate by the Government's Foresight Future Flooding report in 2004 showed that the annual average flood damage could increase even up to 20 times by the end of the century as a result of climate change, so not only the UK suffering from flooding because this is a global problem.

Floods can not be prevented but the people can do something to protect their homes from floods. Here are some tips from the Association of British Insurers (ABI). Concrete floors can be replaced with wood and cover with tiles. Chipboard or kitchen and bathroom units can be replaced with plastic equivalents.

The same is true with gypsum plaster. This can be replaced with more water-resistant material, such as lime plaster or cement render. You can also move service meters, boiler and electrical points to areas above likely flood level. One-way valves could also be put into drainage pipes to prevent sewage backing up into the house, hence to prevent flooding.

The bottom line is that if you are moving house or buying a property for the first time, always check whether your intended new home is on a flood plain or not. This information is readily available on the internet on official Government web sites, so there is really no excuse for not knowing - and if you do not know, you can be sure that you future insurance company does!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Flood Insurance in Florida

All across the United States, there are a large number of homeowners who have flood insurance coverage on their homes. An even larger number of homeowners do not have flood insurance coverage, even though they should. Due to a large number of natural disaster and rare weather events, there are many American homeowners that are interested in obtaining flood insurance coverage for their home.

Homeowners all across the United States are considering flood insurance coverage for their homes, but a large percentage of that number comes from Florida. During the spring and summer, many Florida residents have an increased flood risk. This flood risk increases due to traditional storms with a large amount of rain and hurricanes.

Since Florida residents are at risk for flooding, damage to their homes is likely to occur. Instead of just waiting for the next storm tocause damage, there are a large number of residents who are taking action. This action often involves purchasing flood insurance in Florida.

Purchasing flood insurance in Florida is the same as purchasing it anywhere else in the United States. The only difference between the two is that flood insurance in Florida is often more important than anywhere else in the country. This importance is due to the increased risk of thunderstorms and hurricanes. There are some residents who cannot go five years without experiencing local flooding.

Without flood insurance, the cost of repairing or rebuilding a home is often too much for a traditional homeowner to afford. To prevent themselves from losing their home or going into debt, a large number of residents are obtaining flood insurance in Florida. To obtain that flood insurance, many individuals are visiting their local insurance agents.

Obtaining flood insurance in Florida through a local flood agent is possible, but many homeowners are unaware that they could save additional money by obtaining coverage elsewhere. Many states have laws that allow flood insurance agents to offer discounts on the flood insurance policies that they offer. Despite these state laws, not all insurance agents do offer the discounts.

To obtain flood insurance in Florida for a low price, residents are encouraged to examine a wide variety of different insurance agents. One of the agents that should be closely examined is AmeriFlood. AmeriFlood is currently offering a discount of up to 12% for residents who live in qualifying states. The coverage plans being offered are the same as ones being offered by other agents. The only difference between the two is that AmeriFlood offers discounts that many other agents don't.

Cheap food insurance plans, similar to the ones offered by AmeriFlood, are what enable a large number of Florida residents to obtain flood insurance. Purchasing flood insurance in Florida is important. Doing so will not only save money now, but in the future as well.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Low cost flood insurance in Texas

Low cost flood insurance is available for most Texas residents. The best rates are with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This is a program created by the federal government to provide affordable flood insurance.

The NFIP has created maps to determine the level of risk for different zones. The lowest risk areas are B or X zones. If your home or business is in the B/X flood zone and you have not made more than two flood claims you can probably qualify for the preferred rate. You can insure contents only or contents plus the dwelling. If you got $20,000 in contents coverage the preferred rate is $116 per year, at $50,000 it is $156 per year. For the building and contents $50,000/$20,000 is $180, or $200,000/$80,000 is $296. (Other choices up to $250,000 are available)

It is best to insure for the total value of your home and contents. However because B/X indicates a low level of risk you could insure for a lower amount to save on the premium. The idea is that if you do have a flood in the low risk zone it is likely that it may only be a few inches of water and not a total loss. So if you got the $50,000/$20,000 policy for a $200,000 home you could do a lot of repairs and replace a considerable amount of contents with $70,000 in total coverage. And you would be saving $116 per year in premiums. Again this is not a suggested strategy but I understand the thinking and it is far better than having no flood coverage. Remember that any home can be flooded!

If you are not in the B/X zone you can still get flood insurance from the NFIP in most cases. If your home is relatively new you will probably need to get an Elevation Certificate (E.C.). There is a one time cost for this and it is usually between $200 and $350. This measures how high certain points of your home are in relation to sea level. If your home was built before the area was in the NFIP program you may be excused from the E.C. requirement. It is usually advisable to get an E.C. even if you don't have to because it will usually result in a discounted rate. (Don't get an E.C. if you are in the B/X flood zone)

Another option to lower your flood insurance premium is to go with a high deductable. The deductible choices are from $500 to $5,000. I don't suggest the high deductable unless you think your risk is small and you could afford the higher deductible in the event of a claim.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Are You Protected? - UK Flood Insurance Cover

After the past three months have seen record rainfall in the UK and many towns have been devastated by the onslaught of rain where months of rain have fallen in hours, flash floods and flood damage has become the number one news story in the UK.

Many people are asking the government for help as they did not get coverage for their belongings because they could not afford it. It would seem that was now a false economy as many face the task of replacing the entire content of their homes and in some cases their businesses.

Why is this a false economy? The average home content insurance is a few hundred pounds a year and the average cost of replacing the entire content of a home is tens of thousands of pounds. Personally I see that as a false economy, don't you?

Watching a news report today where a man was asking for government help to assist him in replacing his belongings that were all destroyed in the floods. Now as much as I feel for the family that their personal belongings have been destroyed and how distraught they must be at having to start all over again, I am completely confused, some of the things that needed replacing were a fridge, a plasma TV, a surround sound home cinema system and so on (can you see where this is going yet?) Basically expensive belongings.

Now here is the thing had his home been broken into and someone stolen those belongings would he have blamed the government for this and ask them to replace the stolen items (probably in todays society but thats not the point). If this man could afford the state of the art systems then why not pay the yearly premium to protect them against everything not just floods!

UK flood insurance is not just for flooding but it is to protect your home and belongings against disasters no matter what they are. The government have done their bit and informed the insurance companies that they need to pay out and provide! We are already looking at raised water bills to pay for flood defenses do we need raised taxes as well for those that don't feel their belongings are worth protecting?

When you buy your home you take out insurance on the property itself because your mortgage company insist on it as they are protecting their interests. Should anything happen to the bricks then it is all covered, would your own belongings not be worth insuring for the same reason?

How to Choose Your Flood Zone Insurance?

Choosing your flood zone insurance is an important decision that you should not be rash about it. So much is at stake that it is important for you to make the right choice. Take time to browse through the flood zone insurance providers in your area and check their insurance quotes. You can get more information even from the comfort of your home by doing this online.

There is no need to hurry in this matter. You can always shop around in the internet to find well-priced and competitive insurance policy. Your telephone is your next tool. You can get more information or clarification by calling the insurance company.

When you make your choice where to get your flood zone insurance, you can even just fill in the forms the insurance providers will send you but you can call them for more information. Read, and understand the terms and conditions carefully to make sure that you are satisfied with the level of cover you will be getting from the insurance provider.

You must also take into consideration the quotes included in your flood zone insurance. There may be expensive quotes that may include cover for risks that you do not actually need. Choose the quote that cover vital things for you.

Be honest with your flood zone insurance providers. Tell them about the contents of your home if for example it is contents cover you are taking. Your future insurance claim may be at stake when you are being dishonest with your insurance company.

You will find getting a flood zone insurance policy in the UK will help you feel at ease when emergencies like floods arise. Whatever the state of your house is, whether you just bought it or you are still paying a mortgage, you should get adequate insurance so that if your house is damaged beyond repair, your insurance policy will cover the replacement or cost of rebuilding.

Insurance companies will usually ask you to get a policy for both buildings and contents of your property. It is up for you to decide but if you get a cover for buildings only, then your insurance company will replace or rebuild the building for example it is damaged by a flood. If you include the contents in the cover, then the insurance provider will replace your personal possessions in your home. Remember you have worked hard to buy your personal things and possessions and it may take you a long time, if ever to replace them when they get damaged during a flood.

Remember, you are not tied to one insurance company for the rest of your life. Flood Insurance UK conducts a regular survey of the numerous flood insurance coverage sites in the United Kingdom to check which of them offer customers the most affordable quotes that would meet your specific needs. You can visit different websites to shop for an affordable and reasonable flood insurance coverage for you. Do not forget, your future is at stake here so choose wisely.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Home Insurance, Flood Alert

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors warns that if you can't get insurance for your house, you're in big trouble. Mortgage lenders won't lend on houses that are uninsurable and as a result its value could fall by up to 80%.

It's a high flood risk that's most likely to make your house uninsurable. According to a recent survey, 6.5 million homes are already at risk from flooding of which 1.5 million are in high risk areas. The government has completed flood defences in many such areas and protection for a further 80,000 homes is due this year. But concerns have also been expressed about a further 120,000 new homes planned for the Thames Gateway which are potentially in a high “at risk” zone. Yet many areas remain vulnerable. And if global warming continues, by 2030, the 1.5 million at risk could mushroom 3.5 million. Back in 2003 the Association of British Insurers (ABI) agreed the principles which committed UK insurers to offering home and contents insurance for properties in areas which are assessed to be at a flooding risk once in seventy five years or more. The rider was that the flood defences had to be already in place or would be completed by the end of 2007.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has the responsibility of developing and maintaining these flood defences but within the insurance industry there's widespread concern that insufficient progress is being made. As a result the insurers have has warned the government that there could be widespread withdrawal of insurance cover if progress is stepped up.

In the mean time, those in areas threatened by flood water could find their insurance premiums soaring. Whilst the insurance industry agreed to provide insurance cover, their commitment was simply to maintain premiums at “reasonable” levels. But there was no definition of what “reasonable” means. As a result premium increases of 60% have been common with up 400% increases in bad areas. In a tiny number of cases, cover has been withdrawn altogether, mostly in country areas where DEFRA considers the cost of defending a cluster of a few homes to be uneconomic.

Environmentalists warn that unless DEFRA gets it's skates on, the UK 's current bill for flood damage could rise from £950 million a year, to £3.2 billion. After all, the average insurance claim for household flood damage is £30,000 – that's even higher than fire damage. And localised events like the 2004 flood at Boscastle, Cornwall , can cost the insurers over £15 million.

If you are in any doubt whether your home or proposed home, is in a flood risk area, you should visit This is DEFRA's web site where you can check whether they think your home is at risk of flooding. Their maps were originally designed for planning purposes and provide information on a post-code basis.

Whilst many insurers use the DEFRA information, others like More Than, have their own flood maps. These assess homes individually rather than post code areas. This means that if your existing insurer increases your premium for flood risk and uses the DEFRA information, you may still be able to get a cheaper rate from an insurer using it's own flood data if its data identifies that your property is beyond the “at risk” zone.

The ABI has recently added to the pressure on DEFRA to accelerate the building and upgrading of flood defences. It has warned that unless the government increases its spending on flood defences, the insurance industry may not continue their commitment to the 2003 principles.

That would be bad news for many homeowners.

How You Can Benefit From Free Flood Insurance Quotes?

A large number of homeowners purchase new flood insurance coverage each year. Many individuals are purchasing flood insurance for the first time and others are searching for new agents to do business with. No matter what the reason for obtaining flood insurance, there are a number of ways that you can try and save money.

One of the easiest ways to save money on flood insurance coverage is to request a flood insurance quote. A flood insurance quote is an estimate of how much money you should expect to pay for flood insurance coverage. All flood insurance agents are different, but most will offer free flood insurance quotes.

When it comes to flood insurance, many individuals make the mistake of not obtaining a free flood insurance quote. This is a mistake that many individuals make. This mistake is often made because some individuals believe that all flood insurance costs the same amount of money.

In 1968, the National Flood Insurance Program was developed. This program was established to help make flood insurance affordable to all Americans, no matter where they lived. In addition to providing quality flood insurance, the National Flood Insurance Program also mandates the coverage that is being sold by agents and the amount of money that it is being sold for. This has led many individuals to mistakenly believe that flood insurance cost the same through all agents.

There are a number of flood insurance agents who are able to sell flood insurance coverage that is approved by the National Flood Insurance Program. These agents are likely to offer the coverage at varied prices. There are a number of state laws on rebates and other discounts that allow a number of flood insurance agents to offer coverage at a low price. Not all of the licensed agents in the United States offer these discounts. That is why it is important to obtain a free flood insurance quote ahead of time.

The best way to make use of a free flood insurance quote is to obtain a number of them. This is done by contacting a number of flood insurance agents. Requesting multiple insurance quotes will give you a better idea as to how much money you should actually be paying for insurance. As previously mentioned, almost all flood insurance providers offer free quotes; therefore, there is no reason why you shouldn’t at least try to obtain one.

You can and should request a free insurance quote from a number of licensed agents. One of the agents that you may come across is AmeriFlood. AmeriFlood is a licensed insurance agent that sells flood insurance backed by the National Flood Insurance Program. In addition to selling quality insurance, AmeriFlood also takes advantage of the state laws that allow flood insurance discounts to be offered. AmeriFlood currently offers a 12% discount on flood insurance coverage plans.

Why put your home, family, and belongings at risk? Request a free flood insurance quote today and protect everything that you need and love.

Correct Steps to get Affordable Home Owner Insurance Quotes

Even though you can save by downgrading your coverage, it is not recommended if it puts you at risk. But there's a better way: Implement the correct steps and do a few things right and you'll get big discounts. Let's go deeper into this...

1. You will probably lower your rate if you take time out to go through your home insurance policy at least once a year or whenever things change in your home. That hand-woven rug your aunt gave you might not really be worth the $10,000 you insured it for at the moment.

If it is now worth less, you will then do the sensible thing: Lower your coverage by the same margin and get lower premiums as a result. However, a review may reveal it's now worth a lot more and that you have to buy more coverage. Whichever way it goes, your best interest is being protected in either savings or ensuring enough coverage.

2. Get a group home insurance policy if you can because you'll attract a cheaper rate with it. You should already know if your employer gives such. Many associations have also arranged discounts for their members with home insurers so find out if yours has such.

However, before you apply this option, compare the rates you'll receive through such an association with what you will pay with another insurer. You can find an insurer that your association has no form of affiliations with that offers your profile a far lower premium. So it really does pay to shop if you want the most affordable premiums.

3. You can get cheaper rates if you are retired. Since not every insurer gives this discount, ask your agent before you put pen to paper.

The basis for this discount is the fact that having someone almost always at home makes a home a better risk. The risk of fire destruction is also less with folks who are often at home since they'll easily spot them early.

4. Considering that your main reason for purchasing home insurance is to guarantee you're adequately covered from the risks associated with a home loss or damage, I'll add this even though it's not normally included in your homeowners policy.

Houses in flood-prone places are not regarded as properly protected without a flood insurance policy which costs up to $500 annually. Every mortgagor will insist that you buy flood insurance if your home is in a flood-prone locality. Unless you are sure the extra spend is a wise compromise, you'll spend less if you buy a house in areas that won't demand flood insurance.

5. Take out some time to visit not less than five insurance quotes sites that offer quotes on home insurance policies. This will require around 25 minutes. While you visit each quotes site, make sure you input the same details. Doing otherwise will give you misleading results. When you've obtained your home insurance quotes, compare them to determine which serves your interest best in price/value.

Basics in Flood Insurance

A flood is not always defined as a wall of water rushing towards your property and taking all your belongings into the river to merge with the other belongings of your neighbours. Even a single inch of excess water is enough to cause costly damage to your home and to your belongings.

A flood is something that may happen in the middle of the night while you are sleeping or when you are out of town for a holiday. It is something that may come in at your most unexpected moment, and you are helpless when it comes. This is why you need to get a flood insurance, which is a specific insurance policy that protects your property against damage caused by flood.

People who live in an area which is high risk for flooding should definitely consider getting a flood damage insurance. Insurance providers which offer cover policies against flood have their own means and use topographical maps to assess the location of your home and see how high the risk is for flood damage is. Because of this, many insurance providers may even refuse flood damage insurance to customers who are at high risk.

Getting insurance for flood cover is just one of the insurance policies available in the market today. People get health insurance, auto insurance, fire insurance, travel insurance, and others but flood insurance is very necessary especially if you live in a flood risk area.

You may not be aware of this but losses and damages due to floods are 30 times more likely to occur than fire losses and this is especially true if your house is located in a flood zone. If you value your home and its contents which you have spent so much to acquire, then think twice and do not scrimp on a few hundred dollars a year to get a proper insurance policy. Do not wait until it is too late. You may also find it pays to get a policy cover for your house building and the contents as well.

Floods are caused by several factors. Urbanization, for example is one of the movements of men that results to flooding. As more and more concrete roads and parking lots are constructed to replace the natural land, the ability of natural lands to absorb water is decreased.

The changing weather pattern is another factor that has made the occurrence of floods more severe and frequent. When there is a mudflow, tidal waters overflowing or when the land along the shore of a lake collapses, flooding is not a remote possibility.

Flood insurance offers customers many benefits in the UK but due to constant flooding, the flood insurance premiums have gone much higher in the UK than they usually do. It is wise to have an appropriate insurance policy because when the need arises, your flood insurance policy will compensate for the loss or damage of all the items you have declared and you can get your insurance claim in no time at all to help you recover.

Thing To Consider When Taking Flood Zone Insurance

Shopping for a flood zone insurance provider is a very important decision you have to make to protect your home and your contents, so spend enough time to acquaint yourself with the policies of the insurance providers before you make a choice.

There are so many insurance companies for you to choose from and it is very vital that you put your trust on an insurance company that has a good reputation, a solid history and proper accreditation in the insurance industry. Do not make decisions with your eyes closed and put your trust on a company that is not reliable.

If you do your research for flood insurance companies through the internet, do not rely on everything and base your decisions from what you got there. Check and make sure the insurance company you chose has a sales staff and a call center who will address your concerns.

Using the internet provides you with a wide field to pick out your insurance provider. Some insurance companies may even have a chat feature where you can ask questions and get answers right away instead of waiting for replies through your email. This is important because you may be filling up forms and insurance quotes online or you need clarifications on the insurance policy so you need to talk to somebody right away.

You should also read the content of the website the insurance policy provides. See the range of their products and if these are functional. Another thing is to make sure that you can process payments online on a 24/7 basis. This is important because if this feature is absent, you may find yourself going out of your way just to drop your payments and this is a waste of time on your part.

When you fill out online forms and quotations, fill out all the necessary information needed because this could help you save a large amount from your quotation. You must also look out for special promotional offers like money back guarantee plans, first month free insurance and others because when your flood insurance providers offer something like this, this means they are sure of their services.

Flood insurance companies who can give you cover for your homes and properties abound in the UK. You only have to find the best sites with inexpensive rates and those who can meet your insurance needs for a flood insurance coverage.

Your insurance company may provide any of the two main types of cover which is the old-for-new category where your possessions will be replaced at their current market value when lost or destroyed by a flood, and the indemnity over where your insurance provider will consider the general depreciation of your things. If you look at it, you may consider the old-for-new policy as the better option but again it is all up to you. Remember experience is a hard teacher. It gives the test first and the lesson after. You house and contents are valuable so make the right decision.

Home Insurance - Avoid a Washout

With increasing numbers of incidents of flooding every year, choosing the right insurance policy can be vital to protecting your valuables from flood damage. After the waters have receded, your first step should be to contact your insurance company - most of which have 24 hour help lines - and don't worry if you can't find your policy documents as your insurer will have you on the database.

If your building and contents cover are with separate companies you may need to put in two calls, and if your vehicle has suffered damage as a result you'll need to contact your motor insurer - bearing in mind that you'll only be able to make a claim if you have fully comprehensive cover. It is advisable to contact your home insurance company before arranging emergency repairs, keeping any receipts for work undertaken in order to claim.

Take photographs if you are able to as this could help your claim, and don't just throw equipment away as it could affect a loss adjusters' assessment. In the event of severe flood damage, you may have to be moved to an emergency shelter whilst restorative work is being carried out on your house.

Your house insurance provider will usually ask you to approve any temporary accommodation before your stay begins and will most likely have a limit on how much will be paid towards your stay. This will typically be around the 20% of the sum insured; if you spend more than this you are likely to be liable for the cost.

It could take months for insurers to process your claim and arrange payouts, however you may be offered interim payments in order to help you buy essentials and to help with short-term expenses. If you are unable to return to your home for a long time after flooding, the 20% limit should stand. Insurers have said they will continue to offer flood cover to as many homeowners as possible and many have said they would allow customers to renew their existing cover.

However if you're looking to take precautions and take out home insurance to protect your possessions against flooding it's best to shop around but also to be cautious - as you may be offered a policy that would pay out in other circumstances but not if you end up if you suffer flood damage.

Commonly offered flood insurance policies in UK

If you are planning to get a flood insurance cover but do not have the time to go to the providers in your area, you have one option and that is to apply online. The internet can help you choose an insurance policy provider who will fit your needs and you can fill in necessary forms online. This method however, may confuse you if you do not look at the fine prints for particular policies very closely. Here are a few tips when you apply for a flood insurance cover online.

Most of the insurance companies provide contents insurance policies against both man-made and natural calamities like theft and vandalism, fire, explosions, slippage, burst pipes, earthquakes, water or oil leakage, severe weather like storms, lightening, floods, and others. In all these emergencies, you need protection for your property or a replacement when damage or loss could not be avoided.

In the UK, flooding insurance is available for you as a customer but you have to visit the insurance providers or browse through the internet to find one which is not only inexpensive but also meet your needs.

Two of the most commonly offered flood insurance policies in the UK are the buildings cover and home contents cover. The home contents insurance cover in the UK is designed to cover your personal belongings and almost everything you own. Home contents cover could include household goods and items, computer equipments, furniture and furnishings, kitchen equipment, video, audio equipments, and other personal belongings. These contents could be replaced or covered by your insurance policy when these are lost or damaged beyond repair due to floods.

Buildings insurance cover on the other hand protects the basic building or structure of your house or property. This means your insurance policy will cover the windows, floors, walls, outbuildings like garage and shed or permanent fixtures like kitchens, toilets and baths, interior decorations and even bedroom cupboards.

When you only get contents cover, only your personal belongings and valuables that you can take away from your house will be under the flooding insurance policy. Buildings cover includes those fixtures that you can not remove from your house even when you move to a new location.

A buildings insurance will cover the loss or damage of the actual structure and fittings of your home in case of flood. It is therefore important that the buildings cover you get should be enough or more than enough to cover the rebuilding cost of your house. Your insurance policy provider usually estimates the rebuilding costs of your house and structures so you will know what level of insurance cover you need.

Your house and house contents face risks of damage from many calamities, flood included so you must realize by now how important a flood insurance policy is. Do not wait to be a victim of calamities like floods without a proper cover. Spending a few hundred pounds for insurance could spell the difference in your life.

How To Calculate Flood Zone Insurance Premiums?

Insurance companies differ in their rates and quotes but several factors affect the cost of the premiums on your UK flood zone insurance. First of all, you need to specify the level of cover you require. This amount will make quite a large difference to the size of your premiums. You will be asked what kind of cover you require as well as the value of cover. This means that if you want to cover more areas for your insurance policy, expect the cost of your premium to be higher, too.

When you buy an insurance policy, you will be asked to fill in the quotation form with details about you. You need to provide full and correct details and your premiums will be calculated based on the answers to certain questions, depending upon the insurance cover you are applying for. If you do not fill in the forms with the correct information and details, you may find yourself in trouble in the future. Your claims may be hindered or even your insurance policy annulled.

To calculate your flood zone insurance premium, insurance providers will want to know the type of property you have. If your home is not made out of bricks, concrete or stone and the roof out of slate, tile or concrete, then your premiums will rise. Insurance providers will also check the condition of the plumbing, heating and electrics in your house.

They will want to know when the house was built and the number of people who live there. They will also want to know if the house is yours or rented, how many bedrooms are there, if your house had been a victim of previous flooding, and other concerns.

The location of your house is another factor. There is always the likelihood of natural disasters. Insurers will look if there a likelihood of a flood in the area. If there is, the insurer's risk goes up, and so will your premium costs.

Security in the area is another factor in calculating your premium. The insurance providers will also take the crime rate of your area into consideration. They will want to know about the kind of locks you use, if you have burglar alarms, smoke alarms, and other concerns. The distance of your house to the emergency services like fire stations and police stations will also decrease/increase the cost of your flood insurance premiums.

Most of all, insurance providers will also be requiring you to fill in your occupation and your income because this will give them an idea if you have the capability to pay your premiums. Your age is also taken into account as clients aged 50 years old and above get certain discounts.

There are measures you can take to lower your flood zone insurance costs. Whatever conditions your house is in, tell your insurance provider if there are ways you can lower the insurance risk because your flood insurance premium would go lower, too.

Why do you need Flood Insurance?

If you live in a flood prone area, you probably already know a few things about flood insurance. You know that most homeowners insurance policies do not cover floods caused by storms. You may have neighbors or friends who have lost everything they own because of a sudden flood caused by a hurricane or sudden storm. And even though we tend to associate flood damage with coastal areas, they can occur in every state. A lot of flood damage is caused by melting snow in areas that are thousands of miles from the coast!

Flood insurance comes from a special policy that is backed by the federal government with cooperation from local communities and private insurance companies. Dozens of private insurance companies write and service flood insurance policies for the government, and the policies are financed through insurance premiums. So you will generally contact a local property insurance agent, which could be the same person who would handle normal homeowners or auto insurance companies.

Many people don't realize they need flood insurance. However, statistics show that over a quarter of homes will suffer flood damage during the course of a 30 year mortgage. Only 9% of homes, during the same mortgage period, will suffer fire damage. Of course, almost all homes are protected against fire damage through normal homeowners policies, but they are not protected for flood damage! Furthermore, average claims for those who do have flood damage, and are protected by flood insurance are from $15,000 to $20,000! You can see that the claims are not trivial. Also consider that you will need temporary housing or relocation assistance if you cannot stay in your home while it is being repaired, or if it must be rebuilt somewhere else.

Where To Get Flood Insurance Program Help?

You can visit the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) website for more information on the National Flood Insurance Program. You can download a flood insurance manual, and also learn how to assess your own property's risk of flood damage.

Some of the information on the FEMA website is aimed at homeowners, but other information is highly technical. You may want to get help in a form that has already been broken down for your situation, and your local area. When you want to obtain flood insurance, an experienced local property insurance agent will probably be able to help you out.

Why do you need Flood Insurance?

If you live in a flood prone area, you probably already know a few things about flood insurance. You know that most homeowners insurance policies do not cover floods caused by storms. You may have neighbors or friends who have lost everything they own because of a sudden flood caused by a hurricane or sudden storm. And even though we tend to associate flood damage with coastal areas, they can occur in every state. A lot of flood damage is caused by melting snow in areas that are thousands of miles from the coast!

Flood insurance comes from a special policy that is backed by the federal government with cooperation from local communities and private insurance companies. Dozens of private insurance companies write and service flood insurance policies for the government, and the policies are financed through insurance premiums. So you will generally contact a local property insurance agent, which could be the same person who would handle normal homeowners or auto insurance companies.

Many people don't realize they need flood insurance. However, statistics show that over a quarter of homes will suffer flood damage during the course of a 30 year mortgage. Only 9% of homes, during the same mortgage period, will suffer fire damage. Of course, almost all homes are protected against fire damage through normal homeowners policies, but they are not protected for flood damage! Furthermore, average claims for those who do have flood damage, and are protected by flood insurance are from $15,000 to $20,000! You can see that the claims are not trivial. Also consider that you will need temporary housing or relocation assistance if you cannot stay in your home while it is being repaired, or if it must be rebuilt somewhere else.

Where To Get Flood Insurance Program Help?

You can visit the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) website for more information on the National Flood Insurance Program. You can download a flood insurance manual, and also learn how to assess your own property's risk of flood damage.

Some of the information on the FEMA website is aimed at homeowners, but other information is highly technical. You may want to get help in a form that has already been broken down for your situation, and your local area. When you want to obtain flood insurance, an experienced local property insurance agent will probably be able to help you out.

Investment in affordable homeowner flood insurance makes sense.

Usually an after thought when purchasing property, homeowner flood insurance may be the best investment you can make to protect your home and possessions. Misunderstood or not available in the past people now have no excuse for not insuring that when tragedy strikes they are protected. Mandated by Congress in 1968 the National Flood Insurance Program made it possible for protection from floods and their devastation.

There are different levels of protection, as with all insurance policies, that you can select for this insurance. One option is called the Preferred Risk Policy (PRP). This type of policy has a lower cost and is aimed at homeowners who have property in "low" to "moderate" flood risk areas. The property covered can be classified as residential or business. Statistics from FEMA state that, a whopping ninety percent of all natural disasters in the US involve flooding and twenty five to thirty percent of flood insurance claims are from regions designated as "low-risk."

Flood insurance is sold as a separate policy and will have to be added to your existing home insurance coverage. Even though you may not live in a flood zone, natural disasters and accidents do occur so it is prudent to have at least the minimum coverage to protect your possessions and home. Make absolutely sure that you know what is covered in any policy you are considering. You want no surprises when your stuff is swimming in water.

If you are purchasing homeowners flood insurance for the first time there is a standard waiting period before the policy is active. This is important. The waiting period is usually thirty days, however, if you are adding this coverage to an existing policy the waiting period is often waived. It depends on the terms and conditions of your policy and insurance company.

When the National Flood Insurance Program was introduced, insurance companies made special provisions to its policyholders. The biggest benefit to this type of policy is that it also covers what is termed "Acts of God", which means that not only is your home insured for flood damage, it is covered for a number of different natural disasters. It is important that you discuss which disasters are covered with your insurance provider.

Researching on the internet will allow you to do some comparisons to see what is being offered by different companies and get the best quote online. This is a quick and painless way to find the highest amount of coverage for the lowest premiums. You can also learn a lot about the different levels of home insurance coverage available.

Whether it is a natural disaster or some other unforeseen event you must take into account the cost of replacing and/or repairing your possessions and even the structure of your home. If you can afford to do this without insurance, great. If not, it will be like being in a row boat with no paddle. Of course adding flood protection to your existing home insurance policy is going to mean higher premiums, it is worth it. If a flood or other disaster should occur would you want to be denied a claim for not having it? The peace of mind that you can recover from a flood or disaster is why an investment in affordable homeowner flood insurance makes sense.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Importance of Flood Insurance for Your Home

Making sure that your home is insured against flooding is more important in todays changing climate than ever before. There are more changes in our weather now and one year is very different to the last so ensuring that your belongings are insured is very important.

The UK has gone from having the warmest summer on record to the most rain ever recorded for three consecutive months. This has lead to not only flash floods but whole towns under water for weeks.

This has left homes and businesses in compete devastation with families having to start rebuilding their homes and businesses without customers and not being able to fulfill orders. Towns have been cut off and supplies of both water and electricity have been effected.

People are worried about health and livelihood but the government has has offered reassurance in the form of funds to help rebuild the towns and informing the insurance companies that they will pay out on policies where people have them.

It is common for people to have house insurance for their property but many see content insurance as not completely necessary and skip this to make a monthly saving. This in todays climate is a false economy. Imagine paying out tens of thousands of pounds to replace everything that you own inside your property compared to a few hundred to have peace of mind that you are covered should the worse happen.

Home Flood Insurance is commonly known as Home Content Insurance and it is no matter what people think important to make sure that you are covered just in case something should happen.