After the past three months have seen record rainfall in the UK and many towns have been devastated by the onslaught of rain where months of rain have fallen in hours, flash floods and flood damage has become the number one news story in the UK.
Many people are asking the government for help as they did not get coverage for their belongings because they could not afford it. It would seem that was now a false economy as many face the task of replacing the entire content of their homes and in some cases their businesses.
Why is this a false economy? The average home content insurance is a few hundred pounds a year and the average cost of replacing the entire content of a home is tens of thousands of pounds. Personally I see that as a false economy, don't you?
Watching a news report today where a man was asking for government help to assist him in replacing his belongings that were all destroyed in the floods. Now as much as I feel for the family that their personal belongings have been destroyed and how distraught they must be at having to start all over again, I am completely confused, some of the things that needed replacing were a fridge, a plasma TV, a surround sound home cinema system and so on (can you see where this is going yet?) Basically expensive belongings.
Now here is the thing had his home been broken into and someone stolen those belongings would he have blamed the government for this and ask them to replace the stolen items (probably in todays society but thats not the point). If this man could afford the state of the art systems then why not pay the yearly premium to protect them against everything not just floods!
UK flood insurance is not just for flooding but it is to protect your home and belongings against disasters no matter what they are. The government have done their bit and informed the insurance companies that they need to pay out and provide! We are already looking at raised water bills to pay for flood defenses do we need raised taxes as well for those that don't feel their belongings are worth protecting?
When you buy your home you take out insurance on the property itself because your mortgage company insist on it as they are protecting their interests. Should anything happen to the bricks then it is all covered, would your own belongings not be worth insuring for the same reason?
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