Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things to do when you make your flood insurance claims

Natural calamities like floods occur at the most unexpected times. This is something you or your insurance provider has no control of. Here is where the need to have your property insured come in. This is why you pay regular premiums and why you buy a flood insurance policy to cover your property in times when you need it.

First of all, make sure you have the emergency help lines of your insurance provider always in handy. These numbers will be able to give access to them in case of trouble. Keep this number in a safe and convenient place. Do not wait for something to happen before you realize that the emergency numbers are somewhere among your things floating in waist deep water inside your home.

When your property is damaged, do not just gape and look at the damage or wait until your insurance provider processes the claim for you. Do what you can to prevent the damage from getting any worse. This is why it is advisable that you know your flood insurance policy well, even before anything happens so you will be guided accordingly.

In case of an emergency and as soon as you are able to, advise your insurance company of your situation. Call your insurance provider and tell them what happened. You can ask for an insurance claim form, then fill out the necessary information called for and send it back with estimates for the cost of repair or replacement of your damaged properties.

In cases when you could not come up with immediate estimates, like for example when your property is damaged by a flood, you may forward your estimates as soon as you are able but you should return your insurance claim form right away and inform your insurance provider that your estimates will follow.

Three things may happen when your insurance provider receives your flood insurance claim form. Either they will simply pay your claim, or they might send a claims assessor to your property who will assess the damage and arrange with you towards settlement of your claims, or they may send an expert from their company who will give you advice about repairs and replacement of your damaged property.

Do not throw your damaged items away because you will need them as evidence when you make your flood insurance claim. No matter what state they are in, keep them with you until after your insurance provider makes assessments. Other evidence of your losses like receipts, warranties and other documents will also come in handy when you make your flood insurance claims - so be ready with them.

This is why when you buy an insurance policy, you should study the details and what areas are covered under it. Check what is covered under the policy for in your property, whether it is building structures, fixtures, or the contents of your home. Knowing your insurance policy will guide you to make your flood insurance claims from your insurance provider.

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